Most part of Shishye Thompson’s life was spent in North India. While searching independently for truth, he discovered that all the religions of the world are inspiring human beings to lead a mere good moral earthly life. Contrary to this the actual need of man is not just to know some moral laws and try to follow some of them. The truth is this life that we live in flesh is just the beginning for an eternal life for the spirit that is within us.
Eternalism in Christian Religion
Shishye Thompson came face to face with Lord Jesus Christ. He soon realized that the life of most Christians he came across was in reality far from the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of the time what they preached they never practiced.
So what should be the solution?
Should we reject the truth of God and thereby reject Lord Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. And consider the way of salvation brought by him as a foreign religion? If for our physical health we can use medicines researched and manufactured if foreign lands. Why should we reject anything that is good for the spiritual salvation and redemption from sin as alien? Surely not!
Shishye Thompson took these facts of external religiosity as a challenge. He started exposing openly the false show and hypocrisy of the Christian religious sects. Who did not follow the life of the eternal guru and Savior Lord Jesus Christ?
He emphasized the fact the most of the present day Christians have failed to show clearly a life in themselves that should be the mark of the followers of Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ descended to earth from his heavenly abode. He took the form of a man and dwelt among us. He did the will of his father God who is in heaven. He revealed to us the truth about God, man, life, sin and salvation. Man could understand clearly that sin is not just in works (Karma) but is embedded within man’s heart and thoughts, attitudes and goals like a seed. Getting freed from the fruits of sin is not the remedy, but the need is to remove the seed of sin from within.
Not New Religion
Lord Jesus Christ not to start a new religion, but to offer a new life to mankind. He revealed that He was the only way, truth and life. This was possible because He alone paid the price of sin by shedding his blood on the cross. He died for sinners on the cross and became alive on the 3rd day and ascended to heaven the third day.
The Bible says that the wages of sin is eternal death. And this death Lord Jesus took upon Himself. And today He alone has the authority to forgive sins of men.
Religious conversion is meaningless
Religion becomes an external show, if the inner life is full of sin and unrighteousness. Any conversion that is influenced by money, social needs or pressure is a lie. This is false and unacceptable to the living God.
Yes to some extent it can give an earthy false satisfaction to men.
But the salvation and life and fellowship with God is not attainable this way.
Such a life is imparted to us when we repent from sin and believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. The new life that is from God is not achieved through human wisdom or strength, religious rituals or through celebrating the festivals. This life is received as a gift of God.
The Life in this body of flesh is the source of all sins. Therefore Bible points out that when the Spirit of Christ comes and lives within us then only we are able to express to the world the true life of God and thus become the children of the living God.
Today Shishye Thompson is challenging one and all to abandon hypocritical Christian religion and live the true life of the Lord Jesus Christ. A mere show is worthless.

Thompson Family
Shishya Sabita is the wife of Shishye Thompson and is a north Indian. She has been a great support to Shishye Thompson and partners with him in all the works of Shishyashram. She also is a home maker who keeps the home fort running with the help of God. Looks after the upbringing of their two young boys Isaiah 18 years and Josiah 12 years.
And helps run the Church while he travels regularly for meetings in India. Shishya Sabita is a bold evangelist is neither afraid nor ashamed of the gospel. She has been instrumental in many coming to the light of the gospel.
Sabita is also a poetess who has many songs and poems in praise of her saviour.
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i would like to listen song
“Aane vala Ishu hai jald hamara uthho sone valo vo dwar pe khada”
,and i want this song please upload in your voice Sir…….
Dear brother Alvin,
Praise the Lord. God willing you will hear it soon.
God bless you.
Shishye Thompson
praise the lord uncle .first time i listen ur song apani shanti tumhe deta my younger bro …and then i want to learn ur song but i have no cd only song book.plz help me uncle .god bless u
Thanks for the online resources for spiritual edification. I very much liked the songs. I request you to kindly upload the new song “Aanewala yeeshu jald.. jago sonewalo…”
Dear Brother Shishye, I am from the USA and am in Noida supporting a ministry you may know. I am blessed to find and read about your ministry and expression of Christ in Delhi and the region. I am blessed to enjoin today with what the Spirit is saying through you for how we submit ourselves to grow the Kingdom here. I am a foreigner to the work in this region, but came here by Jesus’ leading, and am desiring very much to find and discern the Body of Christ here so that we can be stronger together. I would like to visit and or communicate more. Lord willing. Email back please. Bless you Brother Jeff.
Dear Brother,
Thanks to Jesus for enlightening you and gifting us to you. I wish to meet you and join your movement. I am a newly converted disciple of Christ.
Dr. Amod Kumar
जय मसीह की
मुझे आपके गीत का किताब का 3 no. Book की softcopy चाहिए।
क्या आप दे सकते है ?
मेरा email hai (
आप इस पर सेंड कर सकते है या मेरे what’s app पर +91 9540600552
अगर आप भेजते है तो आप की अति कृपा होगी
Please repost on youtube: “Yeh zindagi, haan ye zindagi”!
Sir ILoveyou Apke Geet jab bhi suntahu muje Atmikta mesus hoti hai esa lagta hai me jiski Aradhna kartahu vo Jinda Prabhu Hai jo muje Bohut Prem karta hai or Sahime mera Malik hai jo meri Parvah rakhta hai….thankyu very much Sir Pls Aap or Masih Prabhu Isu ke Atmik Song Banavo ILoveyou Sir Praise The LiVing GOD…..
Hi, I am shiny from Bangalore
I like to sing gospel song and even I write songs in which I put my own tune..
I would u very thankful if u give me a chance..
Dear Shishya Thompson,
Watched your message on You Tube. Appreciate it. An impressively delivered . Very Good Bible Teaching…..I will help everyone like me who watches , would show new way of Life.
Thanks & Regards,
Samuel ,
We blessed by your Dubai fellowship.My.whatsapp no.9406711975.Praying for mnistry and family. May God bless you ,family and ministry.Love to all Church believers.
Praise the Lord
I had visited your place at Delhi number of times and had taken Bibles for distribution.
I served as DIG in Police and BSF and retired six months ago and living in Greater Noida for past 10 years.
Would like to meet you, if you are willing please contact me on Whatsapp 9625152846.